The CAFE team is delighted to welcome you to our brand new website, which has been specifically designed to make finding news and information as easy as possible.

The new website, which can still be found at, features over 500 stadium pages and a news archive stretching back to 2009.

In November 2018, CAFE was approached by the Transform Foundation with the opportunity to apply for a new website grant. Our application was successful, and this gave us the chance to reinvent how we deliver our stories and resources to you.

The new website has also given us the opportunity to freshen up our look, clear some of the older content and present the information most relevant to you.

The website also conforms to all accessibility standards and has been designed to ensure easy navigation.

The site offers significant chance for interaction, and we invite you to share your comments and feedback at the foot of all our website pages.

In addition to all the usual news stories, stadium pages and resources, there are also a number of new features on the website:

CAFE Managing Director Joanna Deagle said, “The launch of the new CAFE website is a hugely exciting time, and comes after months of hard work, planning and preparation. We hope that stakeholders from across the game will find the new CAFE website to be a hugely useful resource and point of reference”.

The website also gives us greater opportunities to create online forms and registration documents. We hope that this will be particularly useful in inviting guests to register for upcoming International CAFE Conferences and other events.

Finally, the new CAFE website has, for the first time, a specific Reporting Disability Abuse feature, where disabled fans and employees can submit a short form to CAFE detailing any cases of abuse or discrimination that they have been subjected to. CAFE can then liaise with the clubs or stadiums involved to highlight the issues faced.

The CAFE team would like to say a huge thank you to Highground Design, who had hosted the CAFE website since 2013, and to our new hosts Raising IT.

We hope that you enjoy our new website and welcome any feedback you may have, either in the comments below, by email to [email protected] or by calling us on +44 (0)208 065 5108.

Published 11/09/2019