On June 7th CAFE Project Coordinator in Poland Zuzanna Ziajko attended the conference ‘Sport as a lever for promotion of polish economy’. The conference took place at the Ministry of Economy many people attended.

CAFE took part in the conference, promoting the idea of accessible stadia for disabled sport fans. The conference presented a different side of sport and created discussion for people engaged in the development and promotion of sport. It was a great opportunity for CAFE to be present and establish new contacts.

Interesting speaches were given by: Janusz Piechociński, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy,  Michael Payne, adviser of Worldwide Volleyball Federation, former Director of MKOL, co-creator of successes like Olympic Games in Sydney and London.

Alongside these speaches were two interesting debates and people who are directly connected with sport and it's promotion were invited to take part.

The first debate was focused on the promotion of economy through sport. Brazil was presented as an example. Other participants of the debate were: Grzegorz Hajdarowicz, Honorary Consul of Brazil in Poland, Czesław Lang, sportsman, head of Lang Team and Magdalena Sroka, Vice President of Cracow.

The second debate touched on the subject of cooperation between business and sport. How to effectively develop this cooperation, the way sport sponserships are portrayed and are companies eager to invest in sport?

The people who took part in this discussions were: Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Secretary of State at Ministry of Economy, Natalia Partyka, Sportsman, Maciej Wendzel, Chairman of The Board Ekstraklasa S.A.

The conference was very interesting and there was an active presence and interest in the subject from all attendees.

A version of this article is also available in Polish.

Published 10/06/2013